Getting More Done in Less Time (Blog Series) Pt. 8 – Affirmations


If you use affirmations, make it a point to use them frequently and do not stop using them even if your situation is getting better. The more you use affirmations, the better the situation. There are affirmations for every type of situation; priorities, procrastination, focus, and serenity are just a few. Here are some affirmations that may help you throughout you day.


  • I am entitled to live a calm life, full of joy and order.
  • I set realistic goals, remembering that my first priority is myself.
  • I schedule tasks at the right pace for me.
  • I proactively decide what tasks I should do first and which are more important.
  • I take something off my schedule before I add one on.
  • I make time for anything new that I bring into my life.
  • I find no need to hoard my time on one specific thing.
  • I am able to delegate the tasks that I cannot – or should not – be doing.
  • I make time for play and rest and do not allow myself to work non-stop.
  • I accept my progress because it is at my own pace.
  • I know that my patience, tolerance, and efforts help me learn and grow to be a stronger version of me.
  • I am gentle with my efforts, knowing that my new way of living requires much practice and patience.


  • I take the action and leave the outcome up to God.
  • There is no try, only do.
  • My desire to get on with things is stronger than my desire to procrastinate.
  • Procrastination is my enemy.
  • I take action towards my goals daily.
  • I enjoy the success of finishing a task.
  • I choose to start this task with a small, imperfect step. I will feel terrific and have plenty of time for play!
  • I look forward to getting things done.
  • Among everything I do I love working the most. Focus
  • I am alert and attentive at all times.
  • I am always focused on what I am doing.
  • I am attentive and observant throughout my day.
  • I am aware and present at all times.
  • I am calm and focused in all that I do.
  • I am completely absorbed in the present moment.
  • I am completely focused on what I am doing.
  • I am easily absorbed by all that I do.
  • I am fascinated and involved in every task I perform.
  • I am focused and relaxed in all that I do.
  • I am fully focused and present in all interactions with others.


  • I have Peace of mind at all times.
  • No matter what I am faced with I will remain calm.
  • I have inner peace.
  • My mind is always in a calm loving place.

Our G.A.M.E.R. Goal Tracker is a great tool to help with setting priorities, creating goals, establishing a plan of action, and identifying motivational rewards for goal accomplishments!